
  • There are  two main seasons in Vietnam, the hot season occurs from may to ctober, the cold season occurs from November to April.
  • In Vietnam yearly, there at least 100 or more rainy days in Vietnam averaging to 1,500-2,000 mm. of rain fall.
  • During the hot season in Hanoi the average temperature is 29.2°c.
  • During the cold season in Hanoi the average temperature is 17.2°c.
  • The hottest temperature ever recorded was 42.8°c.
  • The coldest temperature ever recorded was 2.7°c.
  • Monsoon season brings lots of rain, heat, and regular floods.
  • Humidity range is about 80%.
  • Vietnam is a tropical region.
  • In all of Vietnam conical hats are worn to be pretected from heavy rain and bright sunlight.