
  • Ho Chi Minh had created the Indochinese Communist Party (ICP) in the 1930s.
  • The Viet Minh defeated the French in May 1954 at Dien Bien Phu by training small bands of rebel fighters (guerrillas).
  • Ngo Dinh Diem becomes the president of South Vietnam in October 1955.
  • In March 1966 Viet Cong (VC) and the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) destroys the U.S. Special Forces base in A Shau Valley.
  • In the early 1975, without the support of the U.S. Army, South Vietnam's forces fell and North Vietnam had victory at the end of April, within a year later the two nations reunited into the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
  • Le Duan created efforts on extending Vietnam's authority in Southeast Asia, in 1978 Vietnam invaded Cambodia and installed a pro-Vietnamese regime.
  • Chinese officials were angered of Vietnamese actions on trying to control Indochina, as a result China invaded northern Vietnam in 1979, and they stopped their aid and imports from reaching Vietnam.
  • Vietnam arranged a settlement with Cambodia in 1989 that led to the withdrawal of Vietnamese troops in Cambodia, in 1991 the two countries signed their peace agreement.
  • In 1992 China gave Vietnam a small amount of economic aid.
  • When Vietnam removed thier troops from Cambodia, the country received an invitation to join the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 1995.
  • In the early 1994, America removed their trade embargo with Vietnam because Vietnam agreed to find missing U.S. soldiers who had served in Vietnam.
  • In 1995 the United States and Vietnam reestablished diplomatic relation ships.